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Paperless Picking

The Paperless Picking module enables picking slips for sales orders to be downloaded automatically to the PDAs of your warehouse staff for easy and accurate picking and despatch. During the picking process, the Paperless Picking software verifies the items being picked, enables the adding or swapping of items (e.g. due to an out of stock situation) and logs the pickers for their overall pick rates and levels of picking accuracy.

The best way to explain how Micronet Paperless Picking works is to study the timeline below.

Technical Information
  1. As picking slips are assigned a status of "Paperless Queue", a file with the picking slip number as its name is created in the /PDA/slip directory. It is this file that is downloaded to the PDA, when Get Next Slip is selected.
  2. The PDA will create a new database on the PDA to process each paperless slip.
  3. Once the PDA finishes picking the slip, the pickslip.msa file in the \PDA\slip directory is updated with the details, and the slip is deleted from this directory.
  4. It is the pickslip.msa file that Data.Connect uses to update Micronet with the required information.


Technical Tip

Ensure that you have configured Micronet, your hardware and the PDA users before trying to use Micronet Paperless Picking. For more information, refer to "Configuration".